From Jamie Lahane and Sandra Oxx via WhatsUpNewp:
When new fair rates are set for Newport Mental Health and other community centers in 2024, centers will be able to draw competitive salaries to reduce some of the workforce shortages and equally as important, render more Rhode Islanders on the path to emotional wellbeing.
Rep. Deborah Ruggiero and Sen. DiPalma were the lead sponsors with the support of Reps. Lauren Carson and Terri Cortvriend, and Sens. Dawn Euer and James Seveney on a bill which led to $21 million, one-time American Rescue Plan Act funding being allocated in the budget to maintain and repair the state-owned behavioral health group homes and buildings that have fallen into disrepair across the state.
Another long overdue accomplishment was the inclusion of $1 million of funding for a feasibility study to be done by the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority to erect safety barriers or netting systems on the bridges connecting the Aquidneck Island to the mainland.