“The Ocean State is particularly vulnerable to the effects of sea rise caused by warming temperatures,” she said. “Communities like mine in Newport are already inundated more regularly and severely by storm surges, and face loss of public and private property, historic sites and businesses. Climate change isn’t something that will happen at some nebulous future time. It is wreaking havoc on our communities right now. As a state with so much to lose, we cannot afford and have no excuse to be anything but totally committed to negating our carbon emissions. This is, without question, our battle and our responsibility.”
Euer said she sees the positive economic impact that comes with fighting climate change. During her Senate floor speech, she pointed out that Commerce Rhode Island has said that the offshore wind sector will create between 20,000 and 35,000 jobs along the East Coast by 2028.
“Rhode Island has been on the leading edge of offshore wind in the United States, and is also at the forefront of other renewable generation and efficiency programs,” she said. “With Washington now also shifting toward support for the important work of adopting clean energy solutions, we have everything we need to do our part to slam the brakes on carbon pollution while revolutionizing our economy at the same time.
“Rhode Island was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. We can seize this moment and become America’s leader in the new green economy, creating plentiful green jobs that support families and a clean environment,” said Euer.