Re-Elect Dawn Euer for State Senate District 13 | Jamestown - Newport
"Each year as we make progress on a variety of critical issues at the State House, it is made clear that impactful state policy has the ability to make a difference in people’s daily lives. I’m committed to continuing to advance policies that work for everyday Rhode Islanders.”
Dawn Euer, Senator for District 13
Jobs and the Economy
Dawn is dedicated to enhancing access to capital for our local businesses, simplifying the regulatory framework, and investing in job training to ensure our workers are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive. She has spearheaded legislation that positions Rhode Island as a frontrunner in the green economy, paving the way for the creation of sustainable, dependable local jobs that will have a positive impact on our communities and state. Dawn passed legislation for the removal of the exemption on minimum wage for domestic workers. In 2024, she voted along with her colleagues in passing legislation that provides much-needed relief for individuals in our pension system - marking the first significant change in decades. She continues to advocate for ratepayer protection and demanding that utility companies operate with transparency.
Dawn understands the importance of assisting seniors in accessing vital information about support programs, reliable public transportation, and policies that enable them to age in place. She advocated for state budget increases to the Circuit Breaker Tax Credit, a program that offers property tax relief to eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities who own or rent their homes. Dawn also championed the elimination of taxes on military pensions and raised the threshold for pension income exempt from state taxation. Dawn is a leading advocate in the Senate for enhancing transparency and stability in our nursing homes. Additionally, she supported the passage of secure choice legislation, which facilitates retirement planning for those without access to employer-sponsored programs.
Environment & Climate Change
Dawn is a dedicated environmentalist who understands that Rhode Island's natural beauty is a precious asset that must be safeguarded. As the former Chair of the Senate's Environment & Agriculture Committee, Dawn has been at the forefront of the fight against the climate crisis. She has worked tirelessly to reduce single-use plastics, protect pollinators from harmful pesticides, and set limits on PFAs, also known as "forever chemicals," in our water and food packaging.
One of Dawn's most significant achievements is the Act on Climate, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that updated Rhode Island's climate-emission reduction goals and made them legally enforceable. She is unwavering in her commitment to ensuring that these goals are met successfully.
Dawn is also a champion for environmental justice, advocating for all Rhode Islanders to have the right to a clean and healthy environment, regardless of their income, race, ethnicity, or zip code. While her Environmental Justice Act has passed in the Senate, it has yet to reach the Governor's desk.
Dawn is also a leading voice in advocating for the proper siting of solar farms to prevent the destruction of forests and misuse of open space. Her dedication to protecting Rhode Island's environment is unwavering, and her efforts are making a tangible impact on the state's sustainability efforts.
Dawn has been instrumental in securing significant victories to ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. In 2019, she played a crucial role in passing the Reproductive Privacy Act, which enshrined the central tenets of Roe v. Wade into Rhode Island statute. This year, Dawn championed the Healthcare Provider Shield Act, which protects providers of reproductive health care and gender-affirming care from hostile litigation or criminal investigation from other states.
As we continue to work to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, Dawn has been working to prevent medical debt from negatively impacting individuals' credit scores because no one should be punished for seeking the care they need regardless of their financial situation.
As Rhode Island and the country face a shortage of nurses, physicians, and mental health care professionals, Dawn is proud of the state's participation in multi-state compacts that allow for licensure agreements. This ensures that individuals can access the care they need and continue receiving care if they or their provider relocate to another participating state.
Military Families
Newport and Jamestown are proud to be home to many of our dedicated military members and their families who are stationed here at the war college. The passage of the multi-state licensure compacts will provide invaluable support to these military families, who often face the challenge of relocating due to different assignments.
As a member of the Senate Committee on Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs, Dawn has been a strong advocate for reducing the tax burden on military pensions and ensuring that veterans receive their benefits without unnecessary fees and is a strong supporter of the VFW’s “Don’t Feed the Sharks” campaign. She also has been coordinating with the Department of Defense on legislation that would allow state courts to have jurisdiction over cases involving children who are alleged to have committed crimes on military installations in Rhode Island, with the approval of the United States Attorney or the appropriate Federal Court. This aims to keep the juvenile out of the federal system and give access to age and offense appropriate diversionary programs and sentencing.
Dawn firmly believes that a quality public education is the foundation for a successful life. Since her election to the Senate, she has been a fierce advocate for securing funding for school construction. She knows that it is essential that our children have access to schools that are not only warm, safe, and dry, but are also equipped with modern amenities to prepare them for the challenges and realities of the 21st century. Thanks to the passage of legislation placing the question of funding on the ballot which was overwhelmingly supported by the voters of our state, Newport is now witnessing significant improvements in our schools, with Rogers High School being rebuilt.
In the most recent legislative session, Dawn helped to successfully fight for the restoration of education funding that had been slashed in the governor's budget which would have been detrimental to our public schools.
Dawn has been a vocal proponent for including a teacher as a voting member on the Department of Education board, and has supported legislation that would appoint the Rhode Island Teacher of the Year to the board. She proudly supported a law that streamlines the process for families with children who have individualized education plans (IEP), promoting greater parental engagement and involvement.
Dawn has consistently stood up for public schools, teachers, and students. She remains steadfast in her opposition to the expansion of charter schools and any redirection of state funds towards them.
Public Safety
Dawn has been a member of the Senate Committee on Judiciary since 2018, where she currently serves as chair. This committee is responsible for reviewing some of the most crucial and often contentious bills brought before the general assembly. As both a member and leader of the judiciary committee, Dawn takes great pride in her role in passing some of the most impactful gun safety laws in Rhode Island's history. Key pieces of legislation include the banning of high-capacity magazines, prohibiting guns on school grounds, raising the minimum age to purchase any firearm to 21, and enacting the strongest safe storage of firearms law in the country. She remains steadfast in her commitment to working towards banning assault weapons in Rhode Island.
Dawn firmly believes that all communities deserve to feel safe and respected, regardless of their racial or socioeconomic backgrounds. She recognizes the importance of fostering a relationship between communities and law enforcement that is built on mutual respect and understanding. After years of deliberation, Dawn played a key role in advancing reforms to the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights (LEOBOR) this year. It is imperative that we hold our public safety officers to the highest standards of professionalism while ensuring a fair and transparent process for disciplinary actions and appeals. By doing so, we can uphold the safety of our citizens and communities while promoting accountability within law enforcement.
Dawn is the Senate's leader for election law, advocating for voting rights, voter access, and democracy. She shepherded the Let RI Vote Act to passage in 2022, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that updated RI election laws. This was the most comprehensive election bill to pass in decades, making significant improvements to voter access by enshrining early voting, streamlining mail ballot procedures, and enhancing accessibility for individuals with different abilities.
A staunch supporter of campaign finance transparency, Dawn ensured that transparency remained intact even as changes were made to campaign finance laws. She championed laws that granted independent voters the freedom to participate in the primary of their choice without having to align with a specific party, allowing them to maintain their unaffiliated status. Additionally, she worked to establish a process to address suspected signature fraud on candidate nomination papers.
Dawn is committed to modernizing our electoral system while simultaneously expanding voter access and system integrity.
Why Dawn?
Dawn Euer is the State Senator for Rhode Island District 13, representing Jamestown and Newport, while also working as General Counsel for a nonprofit consumer lending institution with a mission to provide pathways out of poverty through financially inclusive products. Dawn comes from a working-class background and has always been a passionate activist and organizer, dedicated to championing social, economic, and racial justice causes.
Before her election, Dawn was a prominent figure in the fight for marriage equality, playing a pivotal role in making Rhode Island the 10th state in the nation to recognize the right of all loving couples to marry, regardless of gender. In a highly contested special election in 2017, Dawn emerged victorious with an impressive 61% of the vote in a four-way primary.
As Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, member of the Senate Committee on Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs, and member of the Senate Committee on Rules, Government Ethics & Oversight, Dawn has been a driving force behind several crucial legislative initiatives. She sponsored Rhode Island’s Student Loan Bill of Rights, aimed at safeguarding student loan borrowers from predatory lending practices, and successfully pushed for legislation requiring insurance companies to cover a full year of birth control prescriptions.
Dawn's commitment to progressive causes is further evidenced by her instrumental role in passing the Reproductive Privacy Act, securing access to safe and legal abortion in Rhode Island. A staunch advocate for environmental conservation and climate action, Dawn spearheaded the Act on Climate in 2021, establishing mandatory and enforceable climate reduction targets.
Dawn has been a vocal proponent of voting rights, leading the charge for the Let RI Vote Act in 2022, which expanded voter access and streamline the electoral process. With her unwavering dedication to serving her constituents and advancing progressive policies, Dawn Euer continues to make a lasting impact on the people of Jamestown and Newport, and the State of Rhode Island.
Who Supports Dawn?
“WE DO!”
Aida Neary
“Senator Euer has been a fierce champion for our public schools during her time in office. In a time when public schools are under assault, Senator Euer continues to fight for and deliver funding that directly supports our students because she knows that children deserve access not only to quality education, but facilities that will be equipped to prepare them to live and work in the 21st Century.”
Gail & Mike Shepherd
“30 years ago, we could buy a house in Newport on a firefighter’s and teacher’s salary. There’s no way young middle-class people today can afford that now. Dawn is fighting to stabilize housing prices so people with roots here can afford to live here.”
Rebekah Rosen-Gomez
“Rising costs are really hurting working families. Dawn has fought to stabilize housing prices by taking on short-term rental companies and expand access to child care so kids get the support they need and people can get to work.”
Sherman Pines
“I have worked with Dawn for many years. She has gotten so much done for our seniors. She helped cap insulin costs, won free bus passes for low-income seniors, and secured state funding for housing to help us afford to live in the community where we grew up.”
Cynthia Long-Ratteron
“Some people said Roe would never be overturned. Thank goodness Dawn didn’t listen to them. She played a key role in passing the 2019 law that codified Roe in RI and will always fight to preserve and expand abortion access.”
Dave McLaughlin
“Our right to use the shoreline is part of the RI constitution and all residents of the Ocean State should have the ability to enjoy ocean activities of the past, present, and future. Dawn has been a steward of the environment since I met her as a volunteer testing the waters of Newport Harbor nearly 20 years ago, and I know she will work hard to make sure the entire coastline is available for the public to use into the future.”
Community Involvement and Experience*
Law Office of Dawn Euer ♦ Bike Newport ♦ Energy and Environment Commission of Newport
Health Equity Zone ♦ Citizens Concerned About Casino Gambling
Marriage Equality Rhode Island ♦ Rhode Island Center for Justice
Rhode Island National Organization for Women ♦ Rhode Islanders United for Marriage
American Civil Liberties Union - Rhode Island Chapter ♦ GLBTQ Advocates & Defenders
NAACP - Newport Branch ♦ ProBono Collaborative - Roger Williams University School of Law
*These are just some of the organizations with which Dawn has worked or volunteered.